Posts Tagged ‘rules’

DIY safety

Posted in 'How-to' Guides, Diy Basics on January 3rd, 2012 by Julian Cassell – Be the first to comment

DIY safety is always a topic that springs to my mind after Christmas, as there will be a considerable number of people who have just received some sort of tool or gadget that they may not be too familiar with, and without wanting to be too much of a killjoy, nambypamby, health and safety bore, I just wanted to jot down a few points of guidance before you set about your first project. The list below mainly relates to DIY safety with power tools, but too be honest it could also include many hand tools. Anyway, these are my top five, but of course the perfect safety list will be much, much longer. read more »


How much DIY can you do? 5 rules for getting it right

Posted in 'How-to' Guides, Diy Basics on June 18th, 2010 by Julian Cassell – Be the first to comment

I don’t know how many thousand questions I’ve been asked about DIY, but the most common theme, somewhat unsurprisingly, is about the nuts and bolts of how do to a specific DIY job. When I reply with a carefully considered answer, the assumed DIY ability of the individual soon becomes apparent as they either lap up every instruction I give them with confident abandon, or, their eyes begin to glaze over as if I’ve started speaking an obscure Russian dialect. read more »
